Zune: Dead On Arrival
Stowe Boyd has serious doubts about Microsofts chances to enter the livingroom, and bets on Apple:
The war for your living room is coming, and I am still betting on Apple — not Microsoft, not Sony, not Hollywood — to figure out the right combination of features and adaptors
Add this to the recent analysis in the Economist by Chris Anderson, this all mounts up to big challenges for the TV ecosystem (media conglomerates, broadcasters, producers and all), to get into the mood for TV 2.0, i.e. personalized, long-tailed, mobile, on-demand and ubiquitious video.
Apple gets this and the business model innovations this entails.
The iPod is the best predictor of what collection of gadgetry is needed to pull this all together: building portable devices that can connect to the internet, and plug into display devices (like HDTV and LCD displays).