APQC survey on disruptive innovation

Innosight and IBM are doing an innovation survey with the APQC, interested organizations find the survey here.

to help you learn how your organization’s innovation efforts compare in terms of:
– product and service innovation,
– operational innovation,
– business model innovation, and
– enablers of innovation

Found via this article by Clayton Christensen in Forbes. This is also interesting, e.g. when explaining why for every successful disruptor dozens of others have tried and failed:

But for every successful disrupter, dozens have tried and failed. Every executive knows that a strategy that looks great on paper can crumble upon execution. Companies moving in a disruptive direction need to manage a delicate balance: they need to constantly change their strategy while constantly pushing forward.

This calls for adaptive strategy making and over-making, and on and on.

For example, search king Google didn’t have it right from the beginning. It had to fundamentally rethink its business three times before it built the auction model that now powers its success.


To successfully fumble forward, companies should seek early wins while planning for their second and third acts. By pushing for early wins, firms can gather feedback to adjust inevitably flawed strategies. Planning for follow-on acts ensures that companies don’t get “stuck” in a foothold market.

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