Future jobs, now, today!

I like this, not only from a e-learning 2.0 perspective – but also from a more general future knowledge work perspective:

[…] what jobs, specializations, and careers we may eventually discover or are even starting to evolve in organizations. My exposure tells me that these general functions are starting to surface. Although the jobs are not fully articulated in job descriptions, eventually, they will be

An impressive list follows suite, like e.g. Resident expert, Gaps consultant, Toolkit Guru, Social Media Specialist, Online Coach, Social Network Catalyst, Social Network Analyst, Social Network Architect, LE Assistants – Personal Learning Environments and Collaborative Learning Anthropologist:

Collaborative Learning Anthropologists (CLAs) are focused on studying and reporting human behavior in relation to learning and productivity technologies, specifically, Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0.

CLAs share many tasks and responsibilities with internal enterprise 2.0 evangelists, this renewed interest in organizational culture and the learning organization is good to see. Yes, HR, training and e-learning people are natural partners in enterprise 2.0 social software implementation efforts.

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