Pinboard bookmarks for October 30th
Pinboard links for October 30th, syndicated automagically:
- Moving the Economy: The Future of the Maker Movement – Forbes – I’m motivated and moved by the idea, the belief – that the people who invent and build and make things have the power to change the world. People who “remix” something or hack a better way.
- Mobile Proliferation Killed Linux Hopes For World Domination | Forrester Blogs – _Analyst_ writes about things he doesn't understand. Sigh.
- SparkleShare: Webinterface für das Repository… und ein Fazit – Nachdem ich mich nun im Zuge meiner Blog-Artikel eine Zeit lang mit SparkleShare beschäftigt habe, möchte ich nun zum Schluss der Serie ein kleines Fazit dazu ziehen
- „Halloween – Warum verkleiden, wenn im Büro genug Horrortypen lauern?" – eine Typologie aus dem Gruselkabinett der schlimmsten Großraumvampire, Bürozombies und Schreibtischplagegeister
- Lokaltermin: Was darf es sein, Ernst Greten?: Management – impulse – Das Erstlingswerk des weltberühmten Architekten und Bauhaus-Gründers Walter Gropius. Dessen Glasfassade mit den durchsichtigen Gebäudeecken das sachliche, internationale Bauen vorwegnahm. Ein Schlüsselbau der Moderne.
- The cure for corporate inertia | – Why are management processes the last bastion of resistance when a company is trying to change? I think there are three linked reasons.
Management processes are a long way from the action. They support primary value-adding activities, but are often two or three steps removed from the marketplace, so feedback from customers about the need to work differently or more quickly is filtered and lost.
There are strong vested interests at play. Board members like to offer advice and make decisions, lawyers like writing contracts. Turkeys don't vote for Thanksgiving. Enough said.
Management processes are usually dependent on each other, and together they create a tightly-woven matrix that cannot easily be pulled apart. If you try to change one process, you upset a further two or three others, and pretty soon you are taking on the entire system. - 10 ways to craft a career that will stand the test of time | – five forces that will shape work and careers:
ever greater globalization of innovation and talent;
the development of ever more sophisticated connective technologies;
profound changes in demography and longevity which will see many live until they are 100 and others live in regions where 40% of the population are over 50;
broad societal forces that will see trust in institutions decrease and families become ever more re-arranged; and finally,
the impact that carbon use and Co2 will have on how we think about our own consumption patterns.
Taking this rich cocktail of forces into consideration here are my 10 tips about skills, networks and choices. - Post-Privacy-Buch: “Fesselt die Datenschützer!” | ctrl+verlust – Hellers Buch ist ein kompletter Gegenentwurf zum Privatsphären- und Datenschutzdenken in Deutschland. Seine Argumente treffen das Grundverständnis vieler unserer Werte und Erzählungen ins Mark. Erfreulicher Weise wird Heller bei aller Radikalität nie eifernd, sondern bleibt immer nüchtern und sachlich.
- ETH Zurich Multimedia Portal: video, audio, podcast, webcast, live-streaming – Richard Stallman – Richard Stallman, A free digital society … über 2h Vortrag an der ETH Zürich