Bookmarks for November 6th through November 7th
These are my links for November 6th through November 7th:
- Usability-Studie: Ist Google+ nicht benutzerfreundlich und intuitiv genug? – guter Kommentar:
"Als ich mich zum ersten Mal mit G+ beschäftigte, bin ich mit dem Vorsatz daran gegangen, das es sich hier nicht um Facebook handelt, also hab ich auch erwartet, dass einiges anders ist als bei FB. Als problematisch hatte ich das jedoch niemals empfunden, es hat auch nicht lange gedauert, bis ich kapiert habe, wie's läuft. Allerdings kann ich mir recht gut vorstellen, dass ein Großteil der FB-Klientel Probleme damit hat, mal etwas anders zu machen als "wie ich das schon immer gemacht habe". Vielleicht gar nicht mal so schlecht, wenn dieser Teil der FB-User bleibt, wo er ist, sonst haben wir hier auch möglicherweise bald dieses "Du, ich sitz gerade auffem Klo, was machst Du denn jetzt?" – Niveau."
- Google+ Tipps und Tricks – Google Text & Tabellen – Ein gemeinschaftliches Dokument
(oder wie 120+ Menschen ein Buch gleichzeitig schrieben) - ReaderSharer Brings Sharing Options Back to Google Reader in Firefox and Chrome – I bet this works via tagging and not really through a database– similar to what is doing.
Glad to see people working to fix google's massive massive mistake. However, this is only like a 40% solution since it just brings back sharing and not commenting. I'm holding out for
- What Motivates Us To Post On Google Plus | Media Tapper – Taken from the point of view of these 3 motivators for intellectual activity, Google+ is a platform that allows you to use all of them in the most complete and holistic way. I have read about many people that were not actively blogging or creating content before G+, and for which this platform has opened the doors of collective creation.
What has been your experience when creating content for G+? Do you consider that the factors delineated above are in-line with your motivations for posting?
- Creating a ebook with LibreOffice Writer – Something else you should do is validate your EPUB. Validation is the process of making sure that your EPUB books contain all the elements that ebook readers expect. Like what? Here’s a partial list:
Complete metadata
The proper directory structure in the EPUB file
Working links and references to files in the EPUB file
A table of contentsAll of that should be fine, but it’s best to check. To do that in Sigil, select Tools > Validate Epub. Validation only takes a few seconds but it’s a useful step
- Amazon AWS: So nutzt man den Cloud-Dienst EC2 | Storage & Server | Galerien | – EC2 ist das Herzstück der Amazon Web Services und stellt dem Nutzer stundenweise virtuelle Server zur Verfügung. ZDNet gibt eine Anleitung für Einsteiger und zeigt Schritt für Schritt, wie man Instanzen unter Linux und Windows anlegt.
Amazons Elastic-Compute-Cloud-Dienste (EC2) bilden das Herzstück der Amazon Web Services (AWS). Im Prinzip ist EC2 ein Service, der Anwendern virtuelle Server zur Verfügung stellt, die er nach Belieben nutzen kann. Sie können wahlweise mit Linux oder Windows betrieben werden.
- Hack an Ikea Solar Lamp to Charge an iPad – In the past we've covered how to turn the inexpensive Ikea Sunnan solar lamp into a solar display case and today we have a hack from electronics manufacturer Voltaic Systems to turn the same lamp into a solar charging station for an iPad or other power-hungry phone or tablet.
This hack is actually three mini-hacks rolled into one—Voltaic shows how to replace the low-capacity rechargeable batteries in the lamp's battery pack with larger batteries, mod the lamp to accept additional external solar panels, and adding a modified Minty Boost charging circuit to allow devices to pull up to 1 Amp of electricity. - Louis Gray – Google+ – How To Make the New Google Reader Social With Google+ #rss… – It's sort of sad to see Google engaging in this type of behavior, it's what we are used to from other companies, and what made Google different. The behavior I refer to is purposely destroying the RSS sharing platform for no other reason than forcing people to put that activity onto G+. It's especially a shame because you could have had your cake and eaten it too. What you could have done is added a button at the top just like you did for games called "RSS shares", that is where users could have gone to look at the ton of RSS content their fellow Reader users share. And you could have also allowed sharing to G+. Instead you destroyed a great sharing platform just so you could force people to share to G+. And now everyone will cut down what they share one hundred fold because they won't want to spam their G+ streams.