Pinboard bookmarks for March 11th

Pinboard links for March 11th, syndicated automagically:

  • Portals and KM: SXSW Notes: The Complexity Curve: How to Design for Simplicity – “Interfaces and devices are providing more and more power and functionality to people, and in many cases this additional power is accompanied by increasing complexity. Although people have more experience and are more sophisticated, it still takes time to learn new interfaces, information, and interactions. Although we are able to learn and use these often difficult interfaces, we increasingly seek and appreciate simplicity. The Complexity Curve describes how a project moves from boundless opportunity and wonderful ideas to requirements checklists and constraints then finally (but only rarely) to simplicity and elegance. Where many projects call themselves complete when the necessary features have been included, few push forward and strive to deliver the pleasing and delightful experiences that arise from simplicity, focus, and purpose.
  • Social Business Survey: How Fast to Mainstream? – The recent survey on social business that MIT Sloan Management Review conducted in collaboration with Deloitte clearly indicates the growing importance of social business across all industries over the next three years. The survey asked respondents whether social business was unimportant, somewhat unimportant, neutral, somewhat important, or important to their business. The following chart shows just those who answered “important,” cut by industry type.
  • Is Social Business Just Knowledge Management 2.0? – Where Knowledge Management and Social Business diverge is the organic nature of Social Business. Knowledge Management was about the capture, structure, organization and availability of information from all sources. Social Business is about encouraging people to share what they know, to feel good about doing so, establish relationships with others in the organization which span the organization tree and genuinely do something extraordinary. This might sound like a utopian dream, but I believe there are legs to Social Business which all organizations can benefit from.
  • Create Your Epub Ebooks with Sigil Ebook Editor – The ebook editor is an easy to use yet complex enough program for aspiring authors who would like to create books in epub format. The software is available for Windows, Linux and Macintosh systems at the project’s Google Code web page.
  • Enterprise 2.0 – Wissensmanagement der neuen Generation? | Soziotechnische Integration – Ex­plo­ra­ti­on und Pro­mo­ti­on Zie­le der Ein­füh­rung von So­ci­al Soft­ware En­t­er­pri­se 2.0 ver­sus Wis­sens­ma­nage­ment: Ge­mein­sam­kei­ten … … und Un­ter­schie­de

    "Da die Plattformen nur das Verhalten der Mitarbeiter im Unternehmen transparent abbilden, ist es notwendig, das Unternehmen und seine Mitarbeiter besser zu verstehen, um die Einführung und Nutzung daran zu orientieren. Dabei ist die Kenntnis der Arbeitspraktiken, aber natürlich auch der Unternehmenskultur, also des Rahmens, in den diese eingebettet sind, notwendig. Aus diesem Grund spielt der Einführungs- und Veränderungsprozess eine enorm wichtige Rolle, denn dabei geht es um die Einbettung des Werkzeuges in das soziale und organisatorische System – diese Tatsache wird leider in den meisten Projekten zur Einführung von Social Software nicht verstanden oder unterschätzt."

  • Is management on the table? | Harold Jarche – Like Churchill said, first we shape our structures and then our structures shape us. That’s why I’m trying to change the structures of management, one client at a time. I still think that to be effective, change management means changing management, not just managers.
  • Die vier Barrieren der Kollaboration – Wie man sie messen und beseitigen kann | Besser 2.0 – Einführung einer Social Business Lösung und der Ansatz von Hansen Im Rahmen der Einführung eines Social Intranet oder einer Kollaborationsplattform kann der Ansatz von Hansen an drei Stellen eine wichtige Rolle spielen:
    1. Beseitigung der Search- und Transfer-Barriere
    2. Change Management
    3. Veränderungen messbar machen
  • — Communicate and Collaborate in Real-Time – Real time collaboration Like Google Wave, Rizzoma allows you to manage communications across distributed teams in real time. Everyone always has the latest version of the document, and everyone sees changes as they happen.

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