Pinboard bookmarks for November 30th
Pinboard links for November 30th, syndicated automagically:
- When Should You Migrate Your File Shares to SharePoint? – Yes, there are circumstances and scenarios where it makes sense to leave your file shares where they stand. For most organizations, it is a combination of factors rather than any single factor that drives this decision: typically, it's a large volume of content combined with low hardware/maintenance costs, and low interaction with target content (its fairly static, rarely changes). You need to weigh these factors, and make an educated decision about what to do with your environment. And yes, there are great vendor solutions on the market to help you manage your content should you stay put.
- Social Media versus Knowledge Management – Anthony J. Bradley and Mark P. McDonald – Harvard Business Review – On the surface, social media and knowledge management (KM) seem very similar. Both involve people using technology to access information. Both require individuals to create information intended for sharing. Both profess to support collaboration.
But there's a big difference.
Knowledge management is what company management tells me I need to know, based on what they think is important.
Social media is how my peers show me what they think is important, based on their experience and in a way that I can judge for myself.Wer seit den 1990er Jahren versucht, Wissensmanagement in die Unternehmen zu tragen, steht den jüngeren Tools und Konzepten rund um Social Media oft misstrauisch oder erstaunt, manchmal auch fasziniert, gegenüber. Wer Unternehmen beim “Management” ihres Wissens unterstützen will, denkt häufig in Konzepten, die sich nur schwer mit der Selbstorganisation und Eigendynamik von Netzwerken vertragen.
- Understanding what “Adaptive” means | Collaborative Planning & Social Business – However, my goal with this post is not to change terms in use, but instead to simply give people an easy way to understand what the concept of adaptive.
When you hear that something is adaptive, think about how muscles respond to use by growing, how exercise is used to increase strength, and how practice is the way to learn to do things.
- Benign and dark ‘informal’ supply chains | ZDNet – Enterprises theoretically lust after these types of individuals inside their organizations to ‘think outside the box’, shake things up and innovate. Culturally it is very hard to introduce agility into hierarchies with bureaucracies that tend to cross check and ratify everything
- Freer than free, opener than open: The fight for the learning management systems market is heating up (again) | – Probably the difference here is that we are taking care of a single puppy (a single Moodle installation for a single class, in a single server), and that it is running outside of the University network. It probably will be a different story if it was the service for hundreds of classes, maintained by a centralized organization.
Maybe the learning lesson here is that: there are things that are better done by distributing the load to many users. For example, it is better for all of us to have our own word processors in our laptops than to setup a University centralized server that host the "word processing" services for hundreds of users.