Commerce in Second Life

In der FTD, ein kleiner Artikel zu virtuellen Welten wie Second Life und den sich darin entwickelnden Geschäftsmodellen.

Konzerne wie IBM gründen virtuelle Dependancen in Onlinespielen wie Second Life

Lesenswert ist auch der aktuelle Überblick zu Second Life etc. in Business Week.
second life store

Second Life, of course, is still a work in progress. None of the companies spending real money to launch campaigns can yet gauge how successful their efforts will be, and virtual campaigns aren’t without their own unique dangers.

  1. Philips enters Second Life to co-create with end users…

    Via Putting People First, I learned about Philips entering Second Life to co-create with end users, updating this post with crowdsourcing, user innovation and mass customization aspects, that go nicely with business model innovating.
    [building] a colla…