LeWeb Day 1 – looking back and collecting links
A little looking back at day 1 of LeWeb conference in Paris: Loic has done a good job bringing together 1,600 attendees to this tech conference. Plus, in the hightime about 2,000 people were tuning into the stream (with a backchannel running alongside) that Ustream and Swisscom arranged. Great lever it is indeed.
So while it is much easier to live tweet an event it is essential to compile blog posts as well – you can cull together much more information and links. Overall I enjoyed day 1, granted there were some organisational problems (really cold, precious little food, precious little WiFi – not at the network cable equipped blogger desks at last) and not all stage presentations were really highly interesting talks. But yes, talking to people in the coffee breaks in between provides for quite a lot of new inspiration. Well, you can interpret the happenings in many ways, but getting together with people goes a long way (thanks to Netvibes too for hosting a nice evening party).
My quote of the day stems from Morten Lund: “Good people can succeed with bad ideas, bad people can’t succeed with a good idea” (now what does that tell us for the design of business model innovations 😉 – I will collect some more notable business model related quotes in an upcoming post).
Some links worth checking out: Adam does some extensive liveblogging again (btw, the Mariachi picture above is CCed by him), my friends of Berlinblase are hacking away, taking nice pictures and scribbling in lightspeed, and I guess all the bloggers I am sitting next to will publish some posts in due time too. So keep an eye on the hashtags: #leweb and #leweb08, check out photos tagged with leweb and leweb08 and visit all the 50+ bloggers in the LeWeb08 blogger accreditation programme, listed in the sidebar on the LeWeb08 website.