Posts Tagged ‘adaptivity’

The Art of ‘Ware

Via Marc Orchant comes notice of a nice compilation by Bruce Webster on adaptive strategy (making) based on the principles laid out in Sun Tzu’s Art of War. While leveraging vocabulary and examples from the software industry, I think that the thoughts are valid in a variety of contexts. Find the +100-page pdf at Websters […]


Eric Kubitz hat mir freundlicherweise eine Einladung zu Joost zur Verfügung gestellt, nun kann ich beta-testen … nachdem ich bisher immer nur aus zweiter Hand berichten konnte. Joost is a new way of watching TV on the internet. With Joost, you get all the things you love about TV, including a high-quality full-screen picture, hundreds […]

Designing for Flexibility

Jeffrey Phillips calls for more adaptive structures ready for business model innovation … [we need to] create a corporate culture and bureaucracy that enables reorganization rather than inhibits or constricts it […] if it seems likely that rapid change and tough competition are likely, why not create an organization that is more nimble and can […]

Emergenz in Organisationen

Schon etwas älter, aber interessant: SpOn berichtet über ein Experiment zu selbstorganisatorischen Phänomenen in komplexen sozialen Systemen: Jeder darf führen, wenn er etwas weiß […] Menschenmengen organisieren sich von selbst, ohne sich abzustimmen. […] Das Ganze sei keinesfalls undemokratisch: “Jeder, der Informationen hat, kann zum Führer werden”, sagt der Forscher. “Man kann im Schwarm viel […]

Adaptivity and Change

Via Nimmy: “Whatever is flexible and flowing will tend to grow, whatever is rigid and blocked will wither and die.” Tao Te Ching

Web 2.0 is About Controlling Data

Read this interview with Tim O’Reilly in Wired published just before Web 2.0 Expo. He knows his stuff in and out, so this interview makes for excellent reading – even on a sunny sunday morning … Take this excerpt as proof, on platforms and network effects: [Wired News]: So you think that (control of data) […]

Some strategy books …

… recommended by Sydney Finkelstein in the Wall Street Journal’s Startup Journal. I especially like his take on strategy and adaptivity: a company’s business strategy and management theory should be constantly evolving. “Standing still is the worst strategy of all,” says Mr. Finkelstein The list names also some of my favourites, among them Wikinomics (by […]