Posts Tagged ‘businessecosystem’

The shape of the smartphone and mobile data markets

Michael Gartenberg c/o Jupiter points to Michael Mace’s analysis of the smartphone and mobile data markets. I think this is excellent because it not only offers market insight, but also supports an alternative way to illustrate market segmentation when basically it ain’t gadgets or companies that compete, but different “business ecosystems” with (more or less) […]

Xbox Modding Threatens MS Business Model

Modders are threatening the business model of selling underpriced consoles and breaking even with high-cost content (i.e. games). A U.K. court has convicted a UK resident, sending a message to gamers to quit tinkering with Microsoft’s console. The man sold Xbox consoles fitted with a 200 GB hard drive and 80 pre-installed games on his […] turning to Co-Production

An interesting take on the move towards co-production by that want to let customers build their own systems. The company, seen as a leader in the movement toward so-called software as a service applications, is making a bet on a new development system–called Multiforce–that lets partners and customers custom-tailor the software and build their […]

Update zu Web Mash-ups

Found this post by the guy who was interviewed by the folks of Business Week, noted in my post of late and adding to this other post … notice that he adds that the only issue that wasn’t addressed (based on the audience of BusinessWeek) was the ramifications of opening up your data as a […]

Xbox Live grows on

The online gaming community Xbox Live is growing on … having reached 2 million subscribers recently and doubling its size in just one year. [Microsoft] attributed the success of Xbox Live to the growing number of titles for the console that now allow for some type of online interactivity, as well as the option to […]

Driving Strategic Innovation

This course looks wildly interesting … a six-day program for Cxx of companies that search future growth, focussing on organizational aspects of (business model) innovation management and more: Driving Strategic Innovation will change the way you, as a business leader, think about innovation and technology strategy, giving you a deeper, richer, more comprehensive roadmap for […]

Podcast Geschäftsmodelle

Ein Artikel von Nicole Dufft von Berlecon Research zum iTunes 4.9 Podcast-Feature. Ja, Business Models (und BM-Innovationen …) in der Medienindustrie sind spannend. Zur Zeit weiß niemand so recht wohin die Reise geht … und welche Geschäftsmodelle Erfolg haben werden. Auf jeden Fall hat die Integration des Podcast-Features in iTunes das potenzielle Publikum für Podcasts […]