Posts Tagged ‘businessecosystem’

Fanning Innovation, Euro-Style

Stephen Wildstrom has an interesting article on innovation and its problems in Europe … notice this statement by Marten Mickos, CEO of MySQL: “This continent is one of the most conservative places on the planet,” […] He notes that Europe has a long history of successful invention, but a weak history of turning those inventions […]

Das Google-Yahoo-Ökosystem

Ein Eintrag im Berlecon Analysten Weblog zu Business Ecosystems (und Business Model Innovation): [wichtig] für die Ökosysteme der Suchmaschinen sind […] die von Nutzern selbst generierten Inhalte. Google, Yahoo und auch Microsofts msn bieten mittlerweile umfangreiche Plattformen für Erstellung, Veröffentlichung und Austausch von Inhalten. So gehören zu Google etwa der Weblog-Hoster Blogger und der Fotodienst […]

Remixing and mash-ups

interesting article on mash-ups, user-generated content and the “business models” that are built upon this … Online independent media hubs are letting people collaborate in new ways – and the focus is mostly on multimedia work, rather than text. One example is, which was set up by JD Lasica and Marc Canter and which […]

The Future of Technology and the IT 100

Interesting articles now over at Business Week on e.g. mass collaboration online … noting collaborative innovations such as Skype, BitTorrent, and online idea hubs run by HP, Lilly and P&G. read more at The Future of Technology and the IT 100: Technology’s leading companies in 2005

Users Accelerate Innovation

User-driven innovations, paving the way for new business models … interesting read, emphasis added: From the lightbulb, to the internal combustion engine to velcro, innovation (more important than invention) has been driven largely in part by individual tinkerers. However, in recent years, the resources and know-how required behind technically complex innovations such as the artificial […]

New Content Technologies and Models

Interesting entry on how simple tools (like Blogging or Wikis) have complex behavior in a rapidly evolving ecosystem … read more at Ross Mayfield’s Weblog

Ökonomie und Rock-Musik

Am gegenwärtigen Zustand der Musikindustrie lässt sich der Einfluss disruptiver Technologien auf etablierte Wirtschaftszweige sehr schön demonstrieren. Ein Paper von Alan Krueger und Marie Connolly, Connolly, M.; Krueger, A.B. (2005): Rockonomics: The Economics of Popular Music, Princeton University Working Paper, March 2005, in: zu den Economics of Popular Music führt einen wie ich finde […]