Posts Tagged ‘electronics’

Pinboard bookmarks for March 27th

Pinboard links for March 27th, syndicated automagically: ThinkerToys : Converting eWaste into educational fun toys, openTOYS – As a designer and engineer, I asked myself what should I do, I do not have political or economical power enough to make a difference. eWaste and kids not interested in education. What should I do? Ah! there […]

Pinboard bookmarks for March 26th

Pinboard links for March 26th, syndicated automagically: AirDroid-Enjoy your Android Experience over the air – Transfer files to and from your device via web browser. Wireless operation via WiFi connection. Random pronounceable passwords − – If we mix 26 lower case letters, as many upper case, ten digits and a dozen of other symbols, […]

Bookmarks for March 22nd through March 23rd

These are my links for March 22nd through March 23rd: Display Twitter on an Arduino – Hack a Day – The SocialBot9000, as [Chris] calls his build, is an Arduino Uno connected to an Ethernet shield and an LCD character display. The firmware uses the Twitter API to search for recent posts containing the phrase, ‘socialbot9000.’ […]

Bookmarks for March 19th through March 20th

These are my links for March 19th through March 20th: The Hard Science of Teamwork – Alex "Sandy" Pentland – Harvard Business Review – patterns as a way of making sense of group behaviour (and I'd say emergent phenomena galore) "People should feel empowered by the idea of a science of team building, The idea […]

Pinboard bookmarks for March 14th

Pinboard links for March 14th, syndicated automagically: Innenansichten eines digitalSTROM-Servers | – twas dahinter ist der Micro-SD-Card-Slot ausgestattet mit einer 2 GB Karte. In einige Beschreibungen aus der digitalSTROM Community steht noch 1 GB. In Anbetracht der geringen Nutzung dürfte das auch ausreichen. Denn der Server läuft auch ohne SD-Card. Der Server selbst und […]

Pinboard bookmarks for March 5th

Pinboard links for March 5th, syndicated automagically: UNetbootin – Homepage and Downloads – UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for Ubuntu, Fedora, and other Linux distributions without burning a CD. It runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. You can either let UNetbootin download one of the many distributions supported out-of-the-box […]

Pinboard bookmarks for March 4th

Pinboard links for March 4th, syndicated automagically: Python PIC useful when attached to a computer – Hack a Day – While I feel Python’s a great learning language on PCs (and it would be “great” if the Arduino IDE supported it), I have to point out you’d be losing a lot in terms of “ecosystem” […]