Posts Tagged ‘future’

Leben im Netz

Nicht vergessen – 3sat widmet sich am heute und morgen in sechs Sendungen den “zahlreichen Facetten des digitalen Lebens”: In nano, wissen aktuell, neues spezial und scobel – und in der Kulturzeit (“KULTURELLE KERNSCHMELZE: Die Veränderung der Kommunikationskultur“): “Online” ist ein Synonym für “am Puls der Zeit”, für “gut informiert” oder “mitten drin”. Wer hingegen […]

Power of (open) technology

Jeff Atwood on the real power of netbooks: these modest little boxes are marvels — inspiring evidence of the inexorable march of powerful, open computing technology to everyman and everywhere Add to this Kevin Kelly in his interview at orionmagazine and you’ll see what I mean. And now go and watch Jason Calacanis rant on […]

Notes on the Evolution of Design Thinking: A Work in Progress

Almost a history of design, complete with AEG, Bauhaus, the Eames brothers and more. Pdf here at DMI. During most of the twentieth century, corporations and cultural institutions asked designers to play a focused and limited role in product and service development. Today, that role is expanding and the core of the field, design thinking, […]

How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Love The Internet

gefunden auf dem Fischmarkt, via Nico, via Konstantin Posted via web from frogpond’s posterous

Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft

via Alex im Interview mit Hallo Welt – “über seine Vorstellungen des Arbeitsplatzes der Zukunft, wie der Generationenwechsel miteinspielt und was Unternehmen tun sollten, um den Startschuss nicht zu verpassen” Das Podcast-Format gefällt mir – gefunden via dem neuen Twitter-(Corporate)-Account von HalloWelt.

Shine on you crazy diagram – part 4

The map by Information Architects Japan pins down nearly 300 of the most successful and influential websites to the greater Tokyo area train map. Different train lines correspond to different web trends such as innovation, news, social networks, and so on: The bottom layer includes a rating of brand experience analogous to restaurant experience. It […]

Real action and an agenda for change

While this is an interesting perspective of Barack Obama’s inauguration speech (wordle courtesy of Emily Chang) and it was impressive, the real action is here: great agenda for change, heck doing the thing at all.