Posts Tagged ‘future’

Is the age of big ideas over?

Nice, Chris Anderson and Alain de Botton discuss “why ‘big ideas’ often get stuck and why we need to get out of our normal routine to let our imagination flow”. Get the podcast at BBC Radio 4’s “iPM: Share What You Know” – Is the age of big ideas over? (mp3), and find a transcript […]

… but it was worth it

Congratulations and good luck …

Looking into the future: Five key design trends

David Report writes about five key design trends and relates them in depth to […] social, economical and ecological patterns and phenomena’s over the entire global – local scale. The 5 key design trends are: Cooltural – Abbreviation of Cool Cultural Rationaissance – Abbreviation of Rationalism Renaissance Responsibiz – Abbreviation of Responsible business Sensuctive – […]

Neal Stephenson @ Google

I am reading Cryptonomicon in my little spare time currently, so this video of Neal Stephenson speaking at Google is interesting (via Moonwatcher):

WE magazine

WE magazine has launched. Ulrike Reinhard and their team (Markus Beckedahl, Bea Gschwend and Steffen Büffel too) have put on a first issue with a set of articles by people like Joi Ito, Stephen Downes, Dan Gillmor, Sugata Mitra and Ethan Zuckerman. Ulrike explains how she came up with the idea for WE magazine, the motives […]

Publishing in a Web 2.0 World

Updating my last (german language) post on media industry let me add this podcast (mp3) with Tim O’Reilly, from the 2007 O’Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing Conference, where: [he] turns his attention to how Web 2.0 trends are creating new challenges for the publishing industry

Identity Management – Recognition replaces attention

I don’t know, at first sight this seems like just another buzzword bingo event, but at close sight “Identity Management – Recognition replaces attention” offers several interesting speakers. Keynote speaker will be Richard Florida, while the accompanying site collects interviews with people like Mark Vanderbeeken of Experientia or Hartmut Esslinger, the founder of frog design […]