Posts Tagged ‘hacking’

Bookmarks for December 1st through December 2nd

These are my links for December 1st through December 2nd: smartmeters – Smart Meter erlauben die Analyse des eigenen Stromverbrauchs. Der Haken an den erhältlichen Lösungen? Eine detaillierte Analyse ist in der Regel nur möglich, wenn die Daten zuvor auf den zentralen Server des Anbieters übertragen werden. Dabei möchte man diese Daten gar nicht aus […]

Pinboard bookmarks for December 1st

Pinboard links for December 1st, syndicated automagically: Arduino – Software – The open-source Arduino environment makes it easy to write code and upload it to the i/o board. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. The environment is written in Java and based on Processing, avr-gcc, and other open source software.

Pinboard bookmarks for November 8th

Pinboard links for November 8th, syndicated automagically: Connect 2012 – the new two-day conference for forward-thinking business leaders – this looks to be an excellent way to engage those who need to understand Social Business without the technical and Notes/Domino bias of the Lotusphere event. It has often been difficult to justify a trip to […]

Bookmarks for November 6th through November 7th

These are my links for November 6th through November 7th: Usability-Studie: Ist Google+ nicht benutzerfreundlich und intuitiv genug? – guter Kommentar: "Als ich mich zum ersten Mal mit G+ beschäftigte, bin ich mit dem Vorsatz daran gegangen, das es sich hier nicht um Facebook handelt, also hab ich auch erwartet, dass einiges anders ist als […]

Bookmarks for November 5th through November 6th

These are my links for November 5th through November 6th: Networked Society ‘On the Brink’ – I favorited a YouTube video: In On The Brink we discuss the past, present and future of connectivity with a mix of people including David Rowan, chief editor of Wired UK; Caterina Fake, founder of Flickr; and Eric Wahlforss, […]

tagged #lego #community #hacking ;)

tagged #lego #community #hacking 😉 Embedded Link The Cult of LEGO – Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories skip navigation. Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories. Evil Mad Science Shop; Search; Contact; More. About EMSL; Forums; Flickr Group; Links. Topics. Field Trips (59); Everything Else (119); EMSL Projects … Google+: Reshared 3 times Google+: View post on Google+ Post […]

via +Dirk Deimeke – wenige Regeln die komplexes Verhalten leiten sollten #hacking…

via +Dirk Deimeke – wenige Regeln die komplexes Verhalten leiten sollten #hacking #politics Reshared post from +Bernhard Hanakam Was sudo ausspuckt bei der ersten Benutzung sollte auch unseren "Führern" vor den Latz geknallt werden: 1. Respect the privacy of others.2. Think before you type/speak.3. With great power comes great responsibility. Google+: View post on Google+ […]