Posts Tagged ‘implementation’

Erfolgsfaktoren für die Einführung von Innovationen

Via Armin Karge wurde ich schon vor einiger Zeit auf diese IBM-Studie aufmerksam, und weil ich zur Zeit an einem kleinen Paper rund um Change Management mit Social Software schreibe, ein paar Notizen zu “Erfolgsfaktoren für die Einführung von Innovationen” von IBM Global Business Services. Die Unternehmensberatung befragte in ihrer Studie “Making Change Work” über […]

Change quote

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Buckminster Fuller

It’s the strength of your business process versus those of your competitors

Some notes from this interview with Robert Tucker, CEO of The Innovation Resource Consulting Group in Santa Barbara, USA, something valid especially for business model innovation: My message to CEOs is this: You’re in an innovation arms race. It’s the strength of your business process versus those of your competitors. A cost reduction strategy alone […]

Open-Source Spying

Spannender Artikel in der New York Times, nicht nur wegen der Einblicke in die Nutzung von Social Software für “Competitive Intelligence” und Wissensmanagement. Interessant ist auch das: The Spying 2.0 vision has thus created a curious culture battle in intelligence circles. Many of the officials at the very top, […] are intrigued by the potential […]

CEO Technology Guide: Prediction Markets

Businessweek has an interesting collection of articles about prediction markets, seen as means to make better decisions (in complex situations) after all. Prediction markets are speculative markets created for the purpose of aggregating information and forecasting future events. This is cool, but I fear that all this introductory stuff (like the podcast ‘CEO guide to […]