Posts Tagged ‘Media Industry’

Jobs’ Thoughts on Music

This may turn out to be big, Steve Jobs outlines possible scenarios for the future of music, among them to end the folly of DRM: The third alternative is to abolish DRMs entirely. Imagine a world where every online store sells DRM-free music encoded in open licensable formats. In such a world, any player can […]

Peter Fader on the New iPhone and Matching Technology to Consumer Demand

Seems like podcast day again … huh? Read and/or listen to this podcast with Peter Fader @ Knowledge@Wharton, talking about business model implications of Apples iPhone move, product innovation and design, whether these products are delivering features that consumers really want and upcoming disruptions in the media industries, i.e. home entertainment stuff (and business model […]

Content Businesses Don’t Scale Anymore

Scott Karp with excellent analysis of the media industry, convergence and business model innovation when scaled content businesses are becoming rare. Recommended. Can anyone think of a content business – meaning a company that produces original content – that has scaled dramatically in recent years? I can’t. Look at the businesses that have scaled – […]

More truth in advertising …

Via the Economist, this piece on the need for continous business model innovation (and optimization). Yes, even when you’re Google, you can’t stand still, so go find stuff like new models that are less vulnerable to fraud, such as pay-per-action

Web 2.0 _ A Conversation with Eric Schmidt

Für die Zuhausegebliebenen, Audio- und Videomitschnitte mit dem Google CEO Eric Schmidt von der Web 2.0 Conference.

Alte Geschäftsmodelle …

… in der Medienindustrie … und die Gefahren der Verlinkung. Nicht mehr allein die Musik- und Filmindustrie ist bedroht, sondern auch Informationshändler wie Presseagenturen: It is the architecture of the web itself that gives the recording industry and motion picture industry fits, and the same structure is now apparently exposing media empires to risk. Der […]