Posts Tagged ‘media’ … the Hit Factory

Interesting piece on, noting its role in business model innovation for the music industry. Facilitating community interaction leads eventually to viabe commerce … […] the first serious business model for music in the post-Napster era. […] MySpace bands […] keep production and promotion costs as low as possible. They give away their best two […]

Cory Doctorow, CPCM und die Medienindustrie

Ein interessantes Interview mit Cory Doctorow von der EFF. In der Blick, aber dennoch sehr lesenwert. Das Content Protection and Copy Management System (CPCM) soll Bestandteil der nächsten Version des in Europa eingesetzten Digital-TV-Standards DVB werden. Wenn das neue DVB dann in fünf Jahren kommt, wird es den Medienkonzernen möglich sein, digitale Aufnahmen von Fernsehsendungen […]

Open Access Geschäftsmodelle

Ein einführender Artikel zu Open Access der sowohl die Sicht der Verlage, d.h. der dahinter stehenden Investmenthäuser, als auch die Interessen der Wissenschaft gut darstellt. bedeute “Open Access” nicht nur neue verlegerische Risiken, sondern auch Chancen für neue Geschäftsmodelle Interessant dass auch auf die Möglichkeit neuer Geschäftsmodelle hingewiesen wird – zu oft wird dieser Aspekt […]

Why the music industry should pay very close attention to blogs, photo-sharing, ringtone-mixers, and social networking

Gerd Leonhard argues that the music industry should pay more attention to the Culture of Participation and that blogs, photo-sharing, ringtone-mixers, mash-ups and social networks may teach them a lot. Well, this may offer business model innovation opportunities as well … e.g. third-party recommendation and selection services and sheds a light on user-generated content as […]

State of the telcos …

David Weinberger is putting together some lightly written notes on the state of the telecom industry and the emerging (technology) trends … he’s been listening to AT&T’s CTO at Harvard. Lesebefehl!

Convergence and the Super Network

The current issue of Wired is featuring an overview of the future of (TV) media … think of all the business model innovations that may come to live with this whole convergence thing, triple play (wireless broadband + TV + phone) and all. Read more at Wired

Blog Search Engines

The WSJ has an interesting article about blog search engines like Technorati et al. … touching some business model points and asking which ones may pose a challenge to Google … The big general search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Microsoft Corp.’s MSN do include blog pages in Web and news searches, but so […]