Posts Tagged ‘microsoft’

Xbox 360 will offer personalized score

More details on the upcoming Xbox 360 aka digital entertainment hub: Big changes could also be in store on the music end, with Xbox chief J Allard recently pointing to a more personalized audio experience. […] functionality that will allow users to control their own game soundtracks, a big change in the way music is […]

Microsoft Learns to Share

Seems like a smart move to me, still I have to wonder whether these ideas have potential … supposing that companies of the Microsoft ecosystem had their go already? Anyway, giving some ideas away to smaller and nimble entrepreneurs that can do things a huge organization like MSFT can’t do has its merits … and […]

Next-generation Xbox more like a media hub

Xbox 2 finds its place in Microsofts overall business strategy … still focussing on media for a start … Microsoft Corp.’s next-generation Xbox gaming console, code-named Xenon, will be more of a digital entertainment hub than its predecessor, making it even more of a PC hybrid than ever … Xenon’s software will be similar to […]

Microsoft kooperiert mit Samsung bei der Xbox 360

Microsoft wird mit Samsung bei der neuen Xbox kooperieren, aktuelle Nachricht von Wieso die Ankündigung aber großspurig sein soll weiss ich nicht. Ich finde eher, dass Microsoft hier wieder einmal vieles richtig macht, die Einbindung von Partnern war ja auch schon beim Einstieg in den Spielkonsolenmarkt mit der Xbox 1 recht erfolgreich … Meine […]