Posts Tagged ‘mp3’

WebEx’s Diane Davidson: ‘We Defined a Community Ecosystem’

This looks like an interesting podcast interview by the Knowledge@Wharton team with WebEx’s Diane Davidson (mp3). When Google bought YouTube recently for $1.65 billion, the world of business sat up to take serious notice of social networks. Today, many companies are looking into how they can tap into — or develop — communities as a […]

Six Rules for Accurate Effective Forecasting

Paul Saffo has the cover of the latest issue of Harvard Business Review, with an essay on “Six Rules for Accurate Effective Forecasting“. Moreover here’s the mp3 of HBR’s ideacast, where Cathy Olofson talks with (veteran Silicon Valley-based forecaster, they call him) Paul Saffo about his article. One of many memorable quote from the article […]

Innovation Through Design Thinking

This is an interesting podcast interview with Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO on the theme of “Innovation Through Design Thinking” (mp3), some BMID-coverage. Where is design thinking taking us? The role of design is evolving within organizations, from simply optimizing what exists to being a source of new growth. The change is thrusting designers into […]

Everything is Miscellaneous

Another podcast nicely suited for a rainy sunday morning is here at TechNation when Moira Gunn speaks with David Weinberger about his new book “Everything is Miscellaneous … The Power of the Digital Disorder”. Here’s the mp3, ca. 21 min. An interesting conversation about internet-boosted information architectures, complexity of “information spaces”, tagging, metadata and classification, […]

Manager im Turbo-Kapitalismus … ?

Wirtschaftsethik, “gutes” Management und Leadership, strikte Governance und mangelnde Kontrolle sind Themen in SWR 2 Wissen, “Söldner des Turbo-Kapitalismus?” (mp3, ca. 28 min): Manager zwischen Rendite-Druck und sozialem Gewissen. Manager sollen die Rendite-Erwartungen der Kapitaleigner erfüllen und geben den Druck an die Belegschaften weiter. Selbst in Zeiten prallvoller Firmenkassen müssen Arbeiter und Angestellte Lohnkürzungen und […]

A World without DRM

At Knowledge @ Wharton there’s an interesting (interview and) podcast (“A World without DRM”) on the business model implications of Apples stance against Restrictions Management (here’s the mp3). The issue of using hardware- or software-based digital rights management, or “DRM”, to restrict how music and movies can be copied or shared has spurred fierce debate […]

10 Jahre MP3

Happy Birthday mp3 … ein sehr schöner Artikel in der Zeit zum Jubiläum: Nie werde ich das erste Mal vergessen, als ich so eine Sounddatei […] bekam und mit der Winamp-Software abspielte. Dieses erste Mal werde ich auch nicht vergessen, ich war mehr als erstaunt wie gut sich das anhörte … Interessant ist auch, dass […]