Posts Tagged ‘social-software’

Jumpstarting innovation (and how to leverage collaboration …)

There are two interesting articles/working papers in Harvard Business School’s Working Knowledge. The first one is “Jumpstarting Innovation: Using Disruption to Your Advantage” by Lynda Applegate: Mature companies understand that to compete today they need to innovate. But finding sources of innovation while still paying attention to the current business can be a struggle. The […]

Technology, Innovation and Organization (for complex organizational settings)

Irving Wladawsky-Berger has an interesting post that relates complex organizational systems, innovation management (processes) and the use of social software in the enterprise (you know why I find this interesting …): […] the opportunities to leverage the huge advances in technologies, standards and communications to enable us to look at a whole organization – an […]

Innovation hurdles …

Chuck Frey on a new study on ‘innovation champions’ in corporations and research facilities, who claim that their biggest trouble is to find time to work on their ideas (anyone thinking about Googles 70/20/10-rule now? or about innovative ways to enhance knowledge worker productivity?).

Take advantage of constant change

Organizations that expect change to be a disruption of the status quo are going to be overcome by those organizations built to take advantage of constant change. Well, yes … hopefully. I am busy “evangelizing” and building bridges across the chasm (for social software in the enterprise …)

Designing for Flexibility

Jeffrey Phillips calls for more adaptive structures ready for business model innovation … [we need to] create a corporate culture and bureaucracy that enables reorganization rather than inhibits or constricts it […] if it seems likely that rapid change and tough competition are likely, why not create an organization that is more nimble and can […]

Die Kunst des Kontrollverlusts …

… ist der Titel des Eintrags in dem Mark Pohlmann dankenswerterweise (natürlich auch ans Gottlieb Duttweiler Institut!) seinen Beitrag für das aktuelle Heft von GDI-Impuls zur Verfügung (pdf) stellt: Im Internet haben die Unternehmen längst die Meinungshoheit über ihre Marken verloren. Wollen sie diese wiedergewinnen, benötigen sie «Mavens», eine Mischung aus Experten und Meinungsführern. Die […]

Kundenorientierte Kommunikation mit Social Software

Das manager-magazin einmal mehr zu den Chancen und Risiken die das Web 2.0 für Unternehmen hat. Das meiste ist trivial und beileibe nicht neu, interessant sind aber die Aktionen und Erfahrungen die einige (innovative) Unternehmen mit den Web 2.0-Interaktionskanälen gemacht haben. Das sind zumindest Case Studies und Best Practices, die auch bisher reservierte Entscheider für […]