Posts Tagged ‘social-software’

The Future of the Web @ MIT Sloan Management Review

IBM ShortCuts Podcast: What is Web 2.0

IBM’s Web 2.0 evangelist David Barnes is interviewed in the newest IBM ShortCuts Podcast. What does the phrase Web 2.0 refer to? In this episode, Shortcuts Web 2.0 evangelist David Barnes discusses the meaning of this often used phrase and gives a brief explanation of its implications. This is a short interview (mp3), nothing new […]

Storytellers make up the skills gap

“Storytelling is energising for companies. It gives employees a chance to feel something about their brand and shows them how they can contribute to the story, which has to be good.” Nothing new, but interesting to see that the Financial Times gets on the storytelling bandwagon, i.e. the use of stories for fostering innovation and […]

Amazon 2.0 _ Tags, Ajax, Plogs & Wikis

Amazon führt verschiedene, miteinander verwobene Web 2.0-Konzepte rund um das eigene Angebot ein. Interessant ist das deshalb, weil Amazon dabei erfolgreich auf kontinuierliche Innovation setzt – insbesondere in Bezug auf die betriebenen Geschäftsmodelle, die permanent optimiert werden sollen. Bereits in der Vergangenheit hat Amazon Innovationen rund um das Einkaufserlebnis gestaltet (bspw. ausgefeilte Recommender-Systeme und Maßnahmen […]

Innovation in the Age of Mass Collaboration

Sehr schön, BusinessWeek zu Innovation in the Age of Mass Collaboration: A new breed of 21st-century enterprise is emerging—one that opens its doors to the world; co-innovates with everyone, especially customers; shares resources that were previously closely guarded; harnesses the power of mass collaboration; and behaves not as a multi-national, but as something new: a […]

Collaborate to innovate: Social networks and innovation

This is the reason why my two ventures, frogpond and BMID, exist: Via this post from Headshift I followed up these referenced videos of the latest NESTA (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts) event: Collaborate to Innovate: the rise of social networks. […] creativity as a function of a situation and not of […]

Leben im Netz

Gero von Randow mit einem informierten Artikel zu Web 2.0, Social Media, Partizipation und mehr … nett, um Zweifler und Zyniker mit Zitaten zu zermürben … Das Web 2.0 ist ein Medium der Beteiligung. Eltern beobachten, dass ihre Sprösslinge viel Zeit damit verbringen, und sorgen sich, ihnen entglitte das »reale Leben«. Eine Befürchtung, die freilich […]