Posts Tagged ‘Strategic Thinking’

Innovation Networks: Looking for Ideas Outside the Company

In Innovation Networks: Looking for Ideas Outside the Company, an interview of Knowledge@Wharton with Ex-Procter & Gamble vice president of knowledge and innovation Larry Huston explains the deeper rationale behind innovation networks: […] future competitive advantage will depend on “innovation networks” – individuals and organizations outside a company that can help it solve problems and […]

Doing a Workshop in Bangkok for APO

Little posting activity right now, sorry about that. Anyway, it’s an really interesting project I’m on right now, and I will surely report some of the learnings. I am attending a workshop on business model innovation and design and knowledge management organized by Asian Productivity Organization (APO) together with the Thailand Productivity Institute (FTPI) in […]

The Art of ‘Ware

Via Marc Orchant comes notice of a nice compilation by Bruce Webster on adaptive strategy (making) based on the principles laid out in Sun Tzu’s Art of War. While leveraging vocabulary and examples from the software industry, I think that the thoughts are valid in a variety of contexts. Find the +100-page pdf at Websters […]

7 Strategies for Turning Big Threats into Growth Breakthroughs

Harvard Business’ IdeaCast (get the mp3) sat down with Adrian Slywotzky discussing: The Upside: The 7 Strategies for Turning Big Threats into Growth Breakthroughs. In the interview, Slywotzky explains how managing strategic threats as forms of risk can not only diminish their impact, but also transform the threats into new growth opportunities. More information on […]

BMID … Whose Job Is It Anyway?

Julie Fleischer c/o Innovation Ecosystem points out a big problem in corporate business model innovation, namely that it has no real homebase in organizations: Whose Job Is It Anyway? Referring to an article by Henry Chesbrough in the WSJ she collects some of the reasons companies are unable to create new business models: they have […]

Russ Ackoff interview and some f-laws

An article in the Telegraph, reporting from an encounter and interview with Russell Ackoff, grand-father of systems thinking. Some gems include: The idea that you can improve a business by focusing on just part of it is plain wrong, Ackoff says. In fact, it’s more serious than that: attempted “improvements” can actually make everything else […]