Posts Tagged ‘technology’

Pinboard bookmarks for April 5th

Pinboard links for April 5th, syndicated automagically: Ludger Hovestadt – DigitalSTROM for Cities – why smart homes are not fit for mass market smart installations are 400% more expensive than conventional ones additional cabling complicates reconstruction 75% of the investment are labor costs high maintenance costs 1 node costs about 3W = 26 KWh/a = […]

Pinboard bookmarks for January 31st

Pinboard links for January 31st, syndicated automagically: How to Start Making Your Own Electronics with Arduino and Other People’s Code – While you could (eventually) learn to code Arduino projects yourself and make your Arduino do almost anything, you can also simply piggy back off open-source projects already available (that's what this budding Arduino user […]

Pinboard bookmarks for December 7th

Pinboard links for December 7th, syndicated automagically: DIY drones – his is the home for everything about amateur Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Use the tabs and drop-down menus above to navigate the site. This community also created ArduPilot, the world's first universal autopilot (planes, copters of all sorts, ground rovers, boats). The ArduPilotMega autopilot hardware […]

Pinboard bookmarks for December 7th

Pinboard links for December 7th, syndicated automagically: Bildung nach dem digitalen Klimawandel: Das Buch verdunstet in die Wolke – – Tatsächlich änderte sich dann in den Klassenzimmern aber gar nicht viel. Bis heute blieb es im Prinzip bei dem System, das sich Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts zusammen mit der industriell-bürokratischen Organisation herausgebildet hatte: Der […]

Bookmarks for December 1st through December 2nd

These are my links for December 1st through December 2nd: smartmeters – Smart Meter erlauben die Analyse des eigenen Stromverbrauchs. Der Haken an den erhältlichen Lösungen? Eine detaillierte Analyse ist in der Regel nur möglich, wenn die Daten zuvor auf den zentralen Server des Anbieters übertragen werden. Dabei möchte man diese Daten gar nicht aus […]

Bookmarks for November 5th through November 6th

These are my links for November 5th through November 6th: Networked Society ‘On the Brink’ – I favorited a YouTube video: In On The Brink we discuss the past, present and future of connectivity with a mix of people including David Rowan, chief editor of Wired UK; Caterina Fake, founder of Flickr; and Eric Wahlforss, […]

Pinboard bookmarks for November 3rd

Pinboard links for November 3rd, syndicated automagically: Change Management is the Foundation of a Social Organization | Social Business News – The foundation for social organization transformation is culture and leadership. Process and technology initiatives are certainly important and play a vital role; but without a change in organizational behavior it will prove meaningless. Change […]