Posts Tagged ‘user-innovation’

The Culture of Participation

More on the idea of consumer participation … updating these posts on mass customization businesses like Zazzle post of late: Digital technology is providing people with the tools to produce and share content like never before, and it is set to throw the relationship between them and institutions into turmoil This will without doubt offer […]

Xbox Modding Threatens MS Business Model

Modders are threatening the business model of selling underpriced consoles and breaking even with high-cost content (i.e. games). A U.K. court has convicted a UK resident, sending a message to gamers to quit tinkering with Microsoft’s console. The man sold Xbox consoles fitted with a 200 GB hard drive and 80 pre-installed games on his […]

Xbox Live grows on

The online gaming community Xbox Live is growing on … having reached 2 million subscribers recently and doubling its size in just one year. [Microsoft] attributed the success of Xbox Live to the growing number of titles for the console that now allow for some type of online interactivity, as well as the option to […]

Mix, Match, And Mutate

Found this story on Web mash-ups in the new issue of BusinessWeek. These mash-ups combine and remix the data and services of different web sites into something entirely new, a kind of new hybrid web service: volunteer programmers are taking it upon themselves to combine and remix the data and services of unrelated, even competing […]

Co-opting the creative revolution

Digital technology is providing people with the tools to produce and share content like never before … and it is set to throw the relationship between them and institutions into turmoil … oh yes, and enabling some cute business model innovations notice some gems: Loosely organised groups will be increasingly given leverage. […] “Institutions will […]

Remixing and mash-ups

interesting article on mash-ups, user-generated content and the “business models” that are built upon this … Online independent media hubs are letting people collaborate in new ways – and the focus is mostly on multimedia work, rather than text. One example is, which was set up by JD Lasica and Marc Canter and which […]

The Future of Technology and the IT 100

Interesting articles now over at Business Week on e.g. mass collaboration online … noting collaborative innovations such as Skype, BitTorrent, and online idea hubs run by HP, Lilly and P&G. read more at The Future of Technology and the IT 100: Technology’s leading companies in 2005